The Muse OBX

At The Muse OBX, every celebration is created with elegance and a unique buzz. Established by Ami Hill in 2018, the essence of crafting moments not only celebrates life but elevates it to an art form. With their exclusive array of buzz-inducing beverages, captivating creative activities, and unparalleled service, every experience is tailored to leave an indelible mark on your heart.


Nomad252 Vintage Beverage Camper: Bringing a stylish buzz to gatherings with an array of craft beverages.

Bus252 Artisan Experiences: The transformation of a school bus into a roving 35-foot art gallery featuring over 200 artisans and their works.

OBXoxo Curated Gift Boxes: Offers a personalized touch with expertly curated gift boxes, encapsulating the spirit of OBX.

Whether you’re aiming to find an exceptional gift, embark on a creative journey, or indulge in a mixology adventure that tantalizes the senses, The Muse OBX is your premier go to business. Let them create memories for your vacation that will buzz with excitement and joy!

Book your Muse OBX experience today at:

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