One of the most endeared drinks of pirates and sailors alike has always been rum so that’s why Outer Banks Distilling takes their rum craft seriously. Focusing solely on rums of different varieties such as white, aged, spices, and gold rum, Outer Banks Distilling has made a name for itself in their home in Manteo. Their line of rum is called Kill Devil rum which is also the name for the town in which the distillers live and the name “kill-devil” is one of the earliest known nicknames for rum.
Stop in to the distillery and try a sample of the rum and maybe take a few bottles with you back to your vacation rental for the perfect drink while you’re in the Outer Banks. The distillery is in Downtown Manteo on Budleigh Street between Uppowoc Avenue and Highway 64.
Phone Number: 252.423.3011
Address: 510 Budleigh Street, Manteo, North Carolina, 27954, United States
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